The VMT Story
On the wings of a dream and a couple bags of wine, Dale Caton and Lynda Morin grew a one room bunkhouse into the mountain palace it is today. For almost 30 years, the Caton family has performed a deep and exhausting study of the snow throughout the tenure, gaining a deep appreciation of its ski lines, the animals that move through its mountains, and the wildflowers that bloom every summer. The boards and beams that make up the main lodge were likely sanded, painted, or nailed by Jasmin or her sister Nyree, and what began as a small mining cabin in Ruby Creek is now a monument to the power of that dream, a family raised in the mountains, and a couple decades worth of memories made with guests from around the world.
Jasmin took over the business in 2006 so that Dale could get back to his Margarita habit every winter in Mexico, but the entire family can often be found on the skin track or fishing its mountain lakes every summer.
Jasmin has continued the family mountain traditions and her twins, Spruce and Indigo, are being raised on a steady diet of Kootenay Coldsmoke and hugging every tree on the trail up to Ruby Peak.